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Butterfly collection
CollectAny is great for cataloguing your insect Collection ! Whether butterflies, moths or beetles this Windows software app can help you quickly organise and present your collection.
It's simple and flexible software that can be used at different levels of complexity depending on your needs. It's well-suited to collecting insects because it is designed to pull different types of information together (the photos text, values and links relating to each insect can easily be entered).
You can configure your own designs with your own fields. You can import and export data. The reporting side gives you attractive output that can be saved to documents or emailed. You can even automatically generate web pages and websites.
The web-cam feature has proved useful to insect collectors because it speeds up getting photos of the insects into the database. We've found people like the ability to switch between form and spreadsheet view and the way it can automatically generate reports.
It's a great way to get your information organised and to let the app also show off the beauty of the insects. The ability to create webpages lets you take it even further if you wish and it's surprisingly easy to generate a set of attractive webpages displaying your collection.
It's very easy to create a collection. All you have to do is start the 'one-click designer' in the app and when it asks what you want to collect enter 'butterflies' or 'moths' or whatever your interest. It will then automatically create a collection, ready for your data. There are other methods of creating collections too - you can alter and create designs as you wish.
We've also supplied a template in the link above as another way to get started. It's easy to change this collection to suit your needs by basing a new collection on this one then amending the fields as required.
The hierarchy screenshot above demonstrates how easy it is to create a hierarchy view. This is at the touch of a button.
It would also be easy to create sub-collections to split the types of butterfly up as necessary - there is a lot of potential with the app and it's all about trying to make collecting easier.
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Copyright © Jeremy Leach 2017 WarmBreeze software. All rights reserved.